Saturday, September 28, 2013

Grade 6 Music Survey Results

This year, sixth graders will be working on a music-themed research project of their choosing. I will expect them to use a variety of print and electronic sources, credit these sources correctly, and create an online presentation of their findings.

As we learn about different resources, we will also learn about musicians, instruments, styles, and big moments in music history. For example, this week students are comparing the print and online encyclopedia by finding the answers to such questions as:

  • Where did calypso music originate? 
  • Name one song that Woodie Guthrie was famous for. 
  • How are a lyre and a lute similar? 
  • Where does the oboe’s name come from? 
  • What were the dates of the Woodstock festival? 

They also filled out a Google survey for me. Here are some of the results:



Any guesses on the band with the most mentions in the write-in question re: favorite artist?