Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Oops, Pounce, Quick, Run!
The Theodore Geisel Award, named after Dr. Seuss, goes to the author(s) and illustrator(s) of the "most distinguished American book for beginning readers published in English in the United States during the preceding year." Thanks to DonorsChoose, we have all of the 2017 winners in the Garden City library, and I was able to share them with all students in grades K-2.

One of the Honor books - Oops, Pounce, Quick, Run! by Mike Twohy - inspired me to create a new lesson. The story is told in just about 30 words, all in alphabetical order. After we read it, 1st and 2nd graders created their own four-panel alphabetical-order stories/cartoons. I'll be putting them together in a binder that can be checked out.

In the meantime, here are a few of my favorites:


A Book about Clowns
Once upon a time, a dog named Eggy was having fun when a giant human came up to him. He said, "I am Jacob the giant. I'm a clown ... a killer clown." Little Eggy called his mother. She said, "No messing around with my baby Eggy. "Ok, then," said the giant. He took out his pie and threw it at them. "Missed the Queen!" said Eggy's mother. "What are you, a rat?" said Eggy. Suddenly, the clown started twitching. He jumped up like he was mad at Eggy and his mother. Then a van came up the street. I wonder what that is?" said Eggy. X-ray vision goggles! They're yellow. Then a zebra ended the world. The end.


Animals are bees, and cats, and dogs, and elephants. Frogs are playing with Gianna, and hippos are in Julia's kitchen.



Can you make a story from these class word lists?

Alphabet Bad Cat Dog
Etch-a-sketch Foundations Gio High
Itch Jonah Kite Luis
Michaela Nathan Octopus Pavani
Queen Rose Sammie The
Umbrella Victoria Walrus
Xray Yellow Zipper

Vanessa Willy heXagon Yes  Zigzag
Axe Bees Cape Denver
Emma Five Go Hair
Ice cream January Kaiden Lilly
Mya Nicholas Oops Parrot
Queen Reptile Super Tap Up

Apple Banana Cat Days
Egg Fun Gianna Hat
Itch Jack Kyle Logan
Mom Nelson Octopus Pan
Quilt Rat September Top
Under Vacation Waldron
Xylophone Yellow Zebra

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